Optimal Packaging – How a good folding carton enriches your product
Optimal packaging – How a good folding carton enriches your product
Customer amazement with sophisticated shipping boxes and folding box/cartons is now part of the strategy of every successful company.
The properties of this optimized packaging are very different. Some are tall, some are small, some are brightly coloured, and some are minimalist. But all good packaging must have one thing in common: it must be practical and, most importantly, it must match the product.
Certainly, there is no one right packaging solution, but there are certain features that characterize perfect packaging.
In this article, we provide you with guidelines and explain what attributes the best packaging should have and why. We’ll show you what to pay special attention to when designing packaging and describe how to attract more attention through well-designed packaging, and even lay the foundation for sustainable customer relationships.
In this article, you will learn about:
- How the best packaging contributes to the success of the product
- What factors play a role in the correct design of the packaging
- What attributes should have the best packaging
- What tips and tricks you can use to Design Inspirational packaging?
How does optimal packaging contribute to product success?
According to an extensive study conducted by the STI Group, 99% of respondents indicated that shipping packaging is important to them. Therefore, the correct adaptation is crucial to the success story of your article.
But what is it like to talk to customers through packaging and make them understand, “This is a great packaging experience!”? The following are three important factors that influence the success of a product using correct packaging.
1. First impression
Even before the product appears, the packaging is the first thing your customers come into contact with. Each marketing 101 correctly illustrates the importance of the first impression. There is no second chance because, in the first 7 seconds, a person will decide whether they like someone or something. 7 seconds. There is not much time to explain; it must be correct immediately.
This first impression is a once in a lifetime opportunity. A few seconds, but valuable time, can already determine if your customers are passionate about the product or your company or if they will reconsider their purchase decision.
First Impressions of Ideal packaging can inspire enthusiasm. It can easily set the direction for success and positively impact shopper perceptions even before the box is opened. How? For example, impressive corporate image design, unusual packaging styles, or loose slogans on otherwise dull tape.
Take advantage of this opportunity and amaze your customers from the very first minute. Optimally coordinated packaging is the best way to lay the foundation for a good and long-term customer relationship.
2. Unboxing experience
YouTube’s search engine has prepared approximately 52 million results for the search term “unboxing”. The most popular videos in this category have been viewed tens of millions of times. In 2017, a 6-year-old boy from the United States even made the Forbes rankings, with more than 10 million subscribers.
Uncanny numbers with which undreamt-of ranges can be achieved. Some German-language channels are also very successful in this area.
Countless packaging pictures on Facebook or Instagram highlights this trend. The charm of personal photos sent through messaging and other communication channels should not be underestimated.
We like to show off new achievements. According to a survey by Dotcom Distribution, 39% of respondents said that they shared a photo on social media platforms immediately after the package was delivered. The typical unboxing experience of the Apple Unboxing video also attracted a surprising number of viewers. According to Google’s market research tools, one in five people watched “unboxing movies” on the Internet. The short film documenting the unpacking process is more successful than ever and has inspired our voyeurism. But why is this so?
The secret is probably in the first palpation of the product of desire. Interested customers watch these types of videos to get their first impression of the product without paying upfront. In the video, all the attributes of the item have been carefully checked in advance. Therefore, it not only reflects the quality of the product but also reflects the packaging and delivery experience. The producers of these videos tend to pay attention to the little things and details, as shown in the video below.
The popularity of this trend is impressive, showing that packaging has become an important part of the overall product experience. From a marketing perspective, this phenomenon can be a very powerful tool if used correctly. 4,444 YouTubers interacted with end customers to discuss the pros and cons of the product. For potential customers, this can ultimately decide whether to buy or use competitive products. Ensure the wearing effect and ensure a positive unpacking experience.
3. The packaging is your company’s business card.
The packaging represents your external image and is your company’s puppet. With beautifully designed packaging, it represents your brand with elegance and impression. The positive perception of the box supports the quality of the product and subtly enhances customer loyalty.
Dotcom’s distribution survey shows the importance of this. 61% of respondents said that packaging affects brand recognition. They also said that because of the exquisite packaging, they think the product is luxurious.
Use exquisite packaging design to ensure that your customers have a positive memory of their last online purchase. Therefore, the better and more attractive the packaging, the more honour your products will receive, and ultimately your business will have a bumper harvest.
What characteristics should the optimal packaging have?
When designing and developing good product packaging, several factors need to be considered. With this guide, you can prevent your product from getting out of control before the first use.
The perfect packaging for sustainable printing
1. The best packaging should attract attention
But don’t highlight the negatives. Make sure that your product packaging does not shine due to bad feelings. Packages that are too large for the contained product will immediately attract people’s attention. Before ordering the box, be sure to check that it fits.
Let your customers appreciate good packaging. Boxes that are difficult to open can be annoying and reduce the perceived quality of the product.
At best, the item should be compelling with the best packaging features. In addition, packaging materials are an important part of the experience product. The original unboxing experience will make your product feel particularly good.
A typical or unusual solution can also ensure a good out-of-the-box experience. Deviating from the boring standard box allows you to stand out from the competition effortlessly.
Packing that is too large for the product inside will immediately attract attention. It is very important to ensure proper installation before ordering the box. `
The excellent shipping package is ideally designed so that your customers can take a photo of it and share it with the rest of the world out of sheer passion. With modern technology, turn a simple folding box or an attractively designed long letter into a small work of art.
Gives the container an elegant personality through the correct selection of prominent colours and harmonious contrast. However, the exception does not automatically mean that the packaging must be particularly unusual. First, the packaging must match your product.
So, pay attention to the overall situation. In an extremely colourful and luxurious box, customers may not necessarily expect bamboo toothbrushes made from renewable raw materials. In this example, even plastic packaging is logically inappropriate.
2. Shelf life as a quality characteristic of the best packaging
Stability and durability are some of the biggest challenges in the packaging development process. The folding box should be lightweight and durable. The rules should not be mutually exclusive.
Make sure the shipping box you choose matches your product. Coordinate the shape and weight with the outer packaging to avoid accidents.
The motto here is to find the best packaging for the corresponding product. High-quality folding boxes and large letters are very suitable for small items, while sturdy cardboard boxes are especially suitable for products with special requirements.
Tip: Think about the possible return. If the box is to be delivered unharmed in another delivery, it must be designed accordingly.
3. Directly convey your brand message.
An individually designed folding box or long letter provides a great opportunity to tell customers more about your company. A special emotion is conveyed through packaging, and the positive emotions of customers are released through packaging design.
In the “Coffee Republic” example, folding cartons express the great value of coffee to the company. The packaging turns the so-called ordinary beans into something very special.
Packaging design is a marketing tool that can influence different areas of the company. Directly implement your company’s product policy and brand management through packaging.
If your company considers environmental protection methods as one of the most important features, then environmentally friendly boxes can convey it better than plastic packaging.
However, if you plan to sell fashionable and colourful designer clothes, crazy creative designs may be the right way. On the other hand, a minimalist design with clear information can win the competition.
The personalized Maxi letter listed below emphasizes its reason for being with a clear statement, and it can be said that it is promoting itself.
The maxi letter clearly indicated on the outer packaging is also a good carrier of information. Show your customers the benefits of your product in the folding box. Use smartly used stamps that your business trusts.
Under no circumstances should you allow your customers to identify products with standard packaging. Emphasize your recognition value and reflect your corporate image concept on the packaging.
Use packaging to convey to customers that you will dedicate your heart and soul to the product series at every step of the value chain. `
4. Optimal safety: A must for perfect packaging
Especially when transported online, the item must reach the customer intact. Of course, right? Therefore, the most important characteristic of good packaging is the safety of the product.
Nothing can leave a negative impression more than a damaged product. Therefore, it is particularly important to understand the characteristics of the product and consider these characteristics when designing the packaging.
In simple terms: if you send doughnuts, ideally, when the customer opens the package, they still look like doughnuts. In the case of a box full of smashed cakes, bad reviews will be the least bad. Annoyance and lack of conversion are the logical consequences of this. Save.
5. Handling the best packaging
Let your creativity run wild when designing your packaging. However, don’t neglect the functionality. If the box is difficult to open, the particularly oddly shaped packaging is useless for the customer.
In the packaging industry, there is nothing worse than a product that takes too long to open the package. Think of these clear shrink wrap containers. No one wants to waste time fighting unnecessary complex packaging.
Therefore, the best packaging must be intuitive and easy to use. In the worst case, the customer must destroy the packaging to get the content. Therefore, the possibility of guaranteeing a good product experience is irreversibly lost.
A typical realization of the “easy to open” concept is Chen Chenhu’s solution. The corner bag you designed opens only through a small corner on the side.
The vision of packaging without worrying about cuts or broken nails. It should be.
6. Make your packaging respectful of the environment.
Fortunately, sustainability has become a big issue. This development not only brings great benefits to our planet but also to your company. Take advantage of the growing awareness and choose environmentally friendly packaging. A study conducted by
GfK Panel Services in 2009 showed that sustainable packaging is a major concern for approximately two-thirds of consumers. If your cardboard box or large letters are also recyclable, you can get extra points.
The above packaging is an example: “Sheyn” is an organic mailbox made from 80% recycled materials, which leaves a deep impression on people.
The zero-waste movement is also increasing, which is correct. Make sure there is no unnecessary packaging waste. With the right packaging tailored to the product, you can save unnecessary fillers. There is also no negative customer experience.
When designing the best packaging, check your packaging manufacturer carefully in this regard.
“Sustainability is no longer a green fantasy, it is just a necessity.”
7. Taking packaging to the next level
What’s a better and cheaper advertisement than a letterbox with your logo printed on your customers’ shelves for many years? Maybe not. When designing, keep in mind that your packaging can gain a second life. If one of your boxes is used by a Swedish furniture store instead of a box, then the marketing is of the highest quality.
Chances are, your customers will not immediately deal with a sturdy cardboard box such as a “coffee stain.” Therefore, there is a very high probability that your logo box will continue to be used.
To-do: Design your packaging to provide customers with added value even after achieving the main purpose. Include innovative techniques for reusing your package in the box and increase the chance of your package being reborn. With this, you will master the highest standards of packaging design and benefit from happy returns.
Optimal packaging = Better conversion
The packaging looks beautiful and is of high quality. If you ignore important features like durability and safety, then the best design in this area is of little use.
Therefore, throughout the development process, try to incorporate into your packaging design all the elements that we have contributed to optimize the packaging. This creates a positive first impression and builds lasting confidence in your product, ensuring a better conversion.
Design useful and stylish packaging and upgrade your product in order to get a permanent place in your customers’ homes with the package, possibly in a converted form.
Read our blog on [Guide] How to choose the optimal carton for your purposes